Monday, July 18, 2011

God is GOOD!

Hi everyone! Yes, you are looking at this picture right. This is NOT me but yes, it is Hadi! Why am I showing this? Well, this is Megan, Scott's cousin. This picture was taken last week in Ethiopia. God has woven and amazing story through our extended family.

Earlier this year, Scott's cousin Megan and her husband Scott (and their 2 bio kids) began the journey of adoption. They are in Ethiopia right now meeting their two kiddos. All of our kids will be 2nd cousins. They have not only been in one orphanage together but now two. Their lives have been woven together for about 5 months now. God has been in every detail and frankly, I have been in awe through all of it!

I love that God saw fit to have Hadi loved on while we wait half way across the world. Hadi will spend much time with Megan and Scott and their African cousins for many decades to come. What a rich blessing. He is seeing us through every part of this journey...this pilgrimage... and adding so many unexpected blessings in between. Thank you God!

Please also pray for Megan and Scott as they continue their journey in Africa. I'm sure their will be more pics of Hadi when they return in a week. (And of course their kiddos...but I am partial to the ones of Hadi!)


1 comment:

  1. Jill!! I'm so so excited for you guys and look forward to more updates! Hadi is beautiful and I'm just in awe of how God has worked and is working in her life and all of your lives!

